Category multimedia
- allegro-4.2.3p9 game programming library for C/C++ developers
- aom-3.12.0 Alliance for Open Media AV1 video codec
- assimp-5.4.3 open asset import library
- atomicparsley-20240608 read and set MPEG-4/3GPP metadata tags
- audacious-player-4.4.2 graphical audio player which supports lots of formats
- audacious-plugins-4.4.2 input and output plugins for Audacious
- azpainter-3.0.7 full color painting software for illustrations
- ccextractor-0.56p3 closed caption subtitles extractor
- dav1d-1.5.1 small and fast AV1 decoder
- devede-4.17.0p5 video DVDs and CDs creation tool
- dleyna-0.8.3p3 services and D-Bus APIs to access UPnP and DLNA devices
- dragon-24.12.3 simple video player for KDE
- dvdauthor-0.7.2p3 creates DVD file structures
- dvdbackup-0.1.1p4 DVD ripper
- dvdstyler-3.2.1p1 DVD authoring application
- ezstream-1.0.2 streaming source client that uses external en-/decoders
- ffmpeg-6.1.2p1v1 audio/video converter and streamer
- ffmpeg-normalize-1.27.7p1 audio normalization
- ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.2p0 lightweight video thumbnailer for file managers
- frei0r-plugins-2.3.0 minimalistic plugin API for video effects
- gaupol-1.10.1p7 editor for text-based subtitle files
- get_flash_videos-1.25.99 download flash video files from various sites
- get_iplayer-3.35 download/stream programmes from BBC iPlayer
- gnome-mplayer-1.0.9p10v0 GTK+/GNOME frontend for MPlayer
- gnome-video-effects-0.6.0p2 collection of GStreamer effects for GNOME
- grilo-0.3.16p0 framework for making media discovery and browsing easy
- grilo-plugins-0.3.16p2 plugins for Grilo
- gst-devtools-1.26.0 GStreamer development and validation tools
- gst-editing-services-1.26.0 library for creating audio and video editors
- gst-libav-1.26.0 ffmpeg elements for GStreamer
- gst-plugins-bad-1.26.0 bad elements for GStreamer
- gst-plugins-base-1.26.0 base elements for GStreamer
- gst-plugins-good-1.26.0 good elements for GStreamer
- gst-plugins-ugly-1.26.0 ugly elements for GStreamer
- gst-rtsp-server-1.26.0 RTSP server library based on GStreamer
- gstreamer1-1.26.0 framework for streaming media
- gstreamer1-docs-1.26.0 GStreamer documentation
- gstreamer1mm-1.10.0p10 C++ bindings for GStreamer
- gtk-pipe-viewer-0.5.4 lightweight YouTube client with a GTK interface
- handbrake-1.6.1p3 open source video transcoder
- hdhomerun-20140604 HDHomeRun Config CLI utility & firmware
- helvum-0.5.1p3 GTK patchbay for pipewire
- imagination-3.0p16 lightweight and simple DVD slide show maker
- intel-gmmlib-22.5.5 Intel Graphics Memory Management Library
- intel-media-driver-24.3.4 VAAPI driver for Intel HD 5000 (Gen8) or newer
- intel-vaapi-driver-2.4.1p2 VAAPI legacy driver for Intel GMA 4500 to UHD 630
- kdenlive-24.12.3 non-linear video editor for KDE
- kf6-ffmpegthumbs-24.12.3 KDE FFmpeg-based thumbnail generator for video files
- kf6-libkcddb-24.12.3 KDE CDDB library
- kf6-libkcompactdisc-24.12.3 library for interfacing with CDs
- kid3-3.8.5p5 multimedia files tag editor
- lebiniou-3.66.0 music visualization & VJing tool
- lebiniou-data-3.66.0 data files for use with lebiniou
- libaacs-0.11.1 AACS support library for Blu-ray playback
- libass-0.17.3 portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
- libbdplus-0.2.0 BD+ support library for Blu-ray playback
- libbluray-1.3.4 library supporting Blu-ray playback
- libde265-1.0.15 open H.265 video codec implementation
- libde265-tools-1.0.15 tools for libde265 open H.265 video codec
- libdv-1.0.0p5 Quasar DV codec
- libdvdnav-6.1.1v0 DVD navigation library
- libheif-1.19.7 HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder
- libkcddb-kf5-24.12.3 KDE CDDB library
- libmatroska-1.7.1 extensible open standard audio/video container library
- libmediaart-1.9.7 media art extraction and cache management library
- libmediainfo-24.12 read metadata from media files
- libmms-0.6.2p6 library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
- libmp4v2-1.9.1p6 read and manipulate the MP4 container format
- libpipewire-1.4.1p0 low-level multimedia framework - libraries
- libtheora-1.2.20190601p0 open video codec
- libtheorafile-20210403 Ogg Theora Video Decoder Library
- libtheoraplay-61p1 simple library to make decoding of Ogg Theora videos easier
- libudfread-1.1.2 library for reading UDF from raw devices and image files
- libv4l-1.24.1 libv4l userspace library
- libvidstab-1.1.0 video stabilization library
- libvpx-1.15.0v0 Google VP8/VP9 video codec
- lsdvd-0.17p0 print information about the content and structure of a DVD
- mat2-0.13.4p0 remove metadata from media files
- mediainfo-24.12p0 utility for reading information from audio/video files
- minidlna-1.3.3 lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV media server (aka ReadyMedia)
- minitube-3.9.3p2 standalone video browser/player
- mjpegtools-2.0.0p15 tools to edit/modify/encode video streams
- mkvtoolnix-88.0 create, alter and inspect Matroska files
- mlt7-7.30.0 multimedia transformations framework
- mlt7-gpl2-7.30.0 GPLv2-licensed modules for mlt
- motion-4.7.0 motion detection software for video
- motion-4.7.0-mysql motion detection software for video
- motion-4.7.0-pgsql motion detection software for video
- mpgtx-1.3.1p3 command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
- mplayer-20240803p2 movie player supporting many formats
- mpv-0.39.0p0 movie player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
- mpvqt-1.0.1 libmpv wrapper for QtQuick2 and QML
- oggfwd-0.2p2 pipe an Ogg stream to an Icecast server
- oggz-1.1.1p3 inspect, edit and validate Ogg files
- ogmtools-1.5p3 ogg mux/demuxer
- openh264-2.6.0 Cisco implementation of H.264 codec
- p5-AMF-Connection-0.32p0 AMF client to connect to remote FLEX AIR service
- p5-Data-AMF-0.09p1 serialize/deserialize Adobe Action Message Format data
- p5-Mac-iTunes-Library-1.0p0 representation of an iTunes Library
- p5-Storable-AMF-1.23p0 deserializer for Adobe Action Message Format
- phonon-4.12.0p0 multimedia layer for Qt5/KDE5
- phonon-backend-vlc-0.12.0p0 VLC-based Phonon backend
- phonon-backend-vlc-qt6-0.12.0p0 VLC-based Phonon backend
- phonon-qt6-4.12.0p0 multimedia layer for Qt5/KDE5
- pipe-viewer-0.5.4 lightweight YouTube client
- pipewire-1.4.1p1 low-level multimedia framework - client & server
- pitivi-2023.03 intuitive and featureful movie editor
- plasmatube-24.12.3 YouTube/Invidious player
- playerctl-2.4.1p0 MPRIS command-line controller and library
- py3-caption-2.2.16 closed caption converter
- py3-casttube-0.2.1p5 interact with Youtube Chromecast api
- py3-chromecast-14.0.5p0 Python module to talk to Google Chromecast
- py3-ffmpeg-progress-yield-0.10.0 Python FFmpeg progress wrapper
- py3-gstreamer1-1.26.0 overrides for the gobject-introspection-based pygst bindings
- py3-guessit-3.8.0p0 guess information from video filenames
- py3-pafy-0.5.5p5 download YouTube content and retrieve metadata
- py3-pyglet-1.4.11p7 windowing and multimedia library for Python
- regionset-0.2 set region on dvd drives
- sfml-2.5.1p0 simple and fast multimedia library
- shotcut-25.01.25 video editor
- smplayer-24.5.0 complete front-end for MPlayer and MPV
- streamdvd-0.4p6 fast tool to backup video DVDs 'on the fly'
- streamlink-6.5.1p1 pipe video streams into a video player
- subrip-0.10.0p3 extract subtitles from dvds
- svt-av1-2.3.0p0 scalable AV1 encoder
- synfig-1.5.3p0 2D animation software
- synfigstudio-1.5.3p0 2D animation software studio
- totem-43.1p3 official media player for GNOME
- totem-pl-parser-3.26.6p2 GObject-based parsing library
- upplay-1.3.3p2 UPnP audio control point
- vcdimager-2.0.1 (S)VCD authoring software
- vitunes-2.3p4 curses media indexer and player for vi users
- wireplumber-0.5.8 modular session / policy manager for PipeWire
- x264-20241229 free H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder
- x265-4.1p0 free H.265/HEVC encoder
- xine-lib-1.2.13 multimedia decoding library
- xine-ui-0.99.14p0 multimedia player
- xvidcore-1.3.7 ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
- yle-dl-20240927p0 download videos from YLE Areena