Category devel/kf6
- kf6-attica-6.12.0 Open Collaboration Services API implementation
- kf6-baloo-6.12.0 KDE file search and metadata handling framework
- kf6-bluez-qt-6.12.0 Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus API
- kf6-breeze-icons-6.12.0 KDE Breeze-style light and dark icon themes
- kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.12.0 CMake modules required by KDE and Qt
- kf6-frameworkintegration-6.12.0 KDE Plasma integration support for Qt-based apps
- kf6-karchive-6.12.0 Qt6-based API for manipulating file archives
- kf6-kauth-6.12.0 execute actions as privileged user
- kf6-kbookmarks-6.12.0 XBEL bookmarks format support for KDE
- kf6-kcalendarcore-6.12.0 KDE calendar access library
- kf6-kcmutils-6.12.0 utility classes for KDE control modules
- kf6-kcodecs-6.12.0 string encoding/decoding for KDE
- kf6-kcolorscheme-6.12.0 classes to read and interact with KColorScheme
- kf6-kcompletion-6.12.0 text completion support for Qt-based apps
- kf6-kconfig-6.12.0 KDE configuration system
- kf6-kconfigwidgets-6.12.0 widgets for KDE configuration dialogs
- kf6-kcontacts-6.12.0 KDE contacts access library
- kf6-kcoreaddons-6.12.0 core KDE extensions to Qt classes
- kf6-kcrash-6.12.0 intercepting and handling application crashes in KDE
- kf6-kdav-6.12.0 KDE PIM DAV protocol support library
- kf6-kdbusaddons-6.12.0 KDE convenience classes for DBus
- kf6-kdeclarative-6.12.0 integration of QML and KDE workspaces
- kf6-kded-6.12.0 central daemon of KDE workspaces
- kf6-kdesu-6.12.0 KDE wrapper over doas commands
- kf6-kdnssd-6.12.0 network service discovery using Zeroconf for KDE
- kf6-kdoctools-6.12.0 create documentation from DocBook
- kf6-kfilemetadata-6.12.0 KDE 6 library for extracting text and metadata
- kf6-kglobalaccel-6.12.0 global desktop keyboard shortcuts for KDE
- kf6-kguiaddons-6.12.0 utilities for graphical user interfaces
- kf6-kholidays-6.12.0 holiday calculation library
- kf6-ki18n-6.12.0 KDE gettext-based UI text internationalization
- kf6-kiconthemes-6.12.0 KDE icon GUI utility library
- kf6-kidletime-6.12.0 reporting of idle time of user and system
- kf6-kimageformats-6.12.0 KDE plugins for QImage supporting extra file formats
- kf6-kio-6.12.0 network transparent access to files and data in KDE
- kf6-kirigami-6.12.0 QtQuick based components set
- kf6-kitemmodels-6.12.0 KDE item models extending the Qt model-view framework
- kf6-kitemviews-6.12.0 extensions for the Qt model-view framework
- kf6-kjobwidgets-6.12.0 KDE widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs
- kf6-knewstuff-6.12.0 KDE framework for sharing additional application data
- kf6-knotifications-6.12.0 KDE desktop notifications framework
- kf6-knotifyconfig-6.12.0 KDE configuration dialog for desktop notifications
- kf6-kpackage-6.12.0 installation and loading of content packages in KDE
- kf6-kparts-6.12.0 KDE plugin framework for user interface components
- kf6-kpeople-6.12.0 KDE framework for aggregating and accessing people contacts
- kf6-kplotting-6.12.0 KDE data plotting framework
- kf6-kpty-6.12.0 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices in KDE
- kf6-kquickcharts-6.12.0 QtQuick module providing high-performance charts
- kf6-krunner-6.12.0 KDE framework for Plasma runners
- kf6-kservice-6.12.0 plugin framework for KDE desktop services
- kf6-kstatusnotifieritem-6.12.0 KDE implementation of Status Notifier Items
- kf6-ksvg-6.12.0 KDE components for handling SVGs
- kf6-ktexteditor-6.12.0 fully featured text editor component
- kf6-ktexttemplate-6.12.0 KDE configuration system
- kf6-ktextwidgets-6.12.0 text editing widgets for KDE
- kf6-kunitconversion-6.12.0 KDE framework for converting physical units
- kf6-kuserfeedback-6.12.0 KDE framework for collecting user feedback
- kf6-kwallet-6.12.0 KDE safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
- kf6-kwidgetsaddons-6.12.0 large set of KDE widgets
- kf6-kwindowsystem-6.12.0 access to the windowing system for KDE apps
- kf6-kxmlgui-6.12.0 KDE framework for managing menu and toolbar actions
- kf6-prison-6.12.0 bar code generator
- kf6-purpose-6.12.0 framework to create integrate services and actions
- kf6-qqc2-desktop-style-6.12.0 QtQuickControls 2 style for painting
- kf6-solid-6.12.0 KDE hardware abstraction layer
- kf6-sonnet-6.12.0 multi-language spell checker for KDE
- kf6-sonnet-aspell-6.12.0 ASpell plugin for Sonnet
- kf6-sonnet-hunspell-6.12.0 HunSpell plugin for Sonnet
- kf6-syndication-6.12.0 RSS/Atom parser library
- kf6-syntax-highlighting-6.12.0 highlighting engine for structured text and code
- kf6-threadweaver-6.12.0 KDE helper for multithreaded programming