Search result
- amber-0.6.0 - code search and replace tool
- angband-4.2.5 - rogue-like game with X11 support
- angband-4.2.5-no_x11 - rogue-like game with X11 support
- angband-4.2.5-sdl - rogue-like game with X11 support
- arandr-0.1.11p0 - XRandR GUI
- clonekeen-8.4p6 - commander keen clone
- colordiff-1.0.21 - colorized diff tool
- dgen-sdl-1.33p2 - Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
- dgen-sdl-1.33p2-debugger - Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
- dinit-0.18.0 - service monitoring / "init" system
- fs-uae-3.1.66p0 - modern Amiga emulator
- fs-uae-launcher-3.1.68p1 - launcher for the FS-UAE Amiga emulator
- graphviz-10.0.1p0 - graph drawing software
- graphviz-10.0.1p0 - graph drawing software
- graphviz-tcl-10.0.1 - Tcl bindings to graphviz
- iosevka-31.9.1 - slender typeface for code (default variant)
- iosevka-aile-31.9.1 - slender typeface for code (aile variant)
- iosevka-etoile-31.9.1 - slender typeface for code (etoile variant)
- iosevka-slab-31.9.1 - slender typeface for code (slab variant)
- lpsolve- - mixed integer linear programming solver
- luametatex-2.10.08p0 - TeX engine for ConTeXt
- mdbook-0.4.37 - create books from markdown files
- navidrome-0.51.1 - modern music server and streamer
- neovim-0.10.2p0 - continuation and extension of Vim
- odamex-0.9.5p2 - online multiplayer doom
- pasmo-0.5.5 - Z80 cross assembler
- py-lpsolve- - Python bindings for lpsolve
- py3-neovim-0.5.0p0 - Python plugin support for Neovim
- py3-neovim-0.5.0p0 - Python plugin support for Neovim
- py3-prettytable-0.7.2p9 - Python library for pretty-printing tabular data
- pypy-7.3.1p7 - fast implementation of the Python language
- slides-0.9.0 - terminal based presentation tool
- snipe2d-1.30p2 - overhead shooting game
- swi-prolog-9.2.6 - Prolog for the real world
- syncthing-1.27.12p0 - open decentralized synchronization utility
- tapclean-20130522p0 - Commodore tape image cleaning utility
- texlive_base-2023 - base binaries for TeXLive typesetting distribution
- texlive_base-2023 - base binaries for TeXLive typesetting distribution
- texlive_mktexlsr-2023 - mktexlsr for TeXLive typesetting distribution
- texlive_synctex-2023 - synctex for TeXLive typesetting distribution
- texlive_texmf-buildset-2023p0 - smallest texlive texmf for building ports
- texlive_texmf-context-2023p0 - texlive texmf for conTeXt
- texlive_texmf-docs-2023p0 - texlive documentation
- texlive_texmf-full-2023p0 - texlive texmf for extra macros
- texlive_texmf-minimal-2023p0 - texlive texmf for basic functionality
- texlive_texmf-minimal-2023p0 - texlive texmf for basic functionality
- texworks-0.6.8p0v0 - easy to use LaTeX and ConTeXt editor
- texworks-0.6.8p0v0 - easy to use LaTeX and ConTeXt editor
- texworks-lua-0.6.8p0v0 - Lua scripting for TeXworks
- texworks-python-0.6.8p0v0 - Python scripting for TeXworks
- uhexen2-1.5.9p0 - Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion
- wormhole-william-1.0.7 - magic wormhole implementation in Go
- xdms-1.3.2 - Amiga DMS unpacker
- xournalpp-1.2.3p0 - handwriting notetaking with PDF annotation support
- xscreenruler-20191025 - simple screen ruler for x11