Category x11/gnustep
- aclock-0.4.0p15 analog clock for the GNUstep desktop
- addresses-0.5.0 GNUstep address book
- affiche-0.6.0p15 GNUstep sticky notes
- batmon-0.8p10 GNUstep battery monitor
- camera-0.8p12 GNUstep frontent to libgphoto2
- cdplayer-0.5.1p17 GNUstep based CD player
- cynthiune-1.0.0p17 audio player for GNUstep
- databasin-1.0p5 GNUstep client for
- databasinkit-1.0p5 GNUstep client framework for
- displaycalibrator-0.7p11 GNUstep frontend for xgamma
- edenmath_gnustep-1.1.1p15 GNUstep based scientific calcualtor
- fisicalab- educational application to solve physics problems
- ftp-0.6p5 GNUstep file transfer protcol tool
- gmastermind-0.6p15 GNUstep mastermind game
- gmines-0.2p15 GNUstep minesweeper game
- gnumail-1.4.0p0 GNUstep mail application
- gnustep-back-0.32.0 GNUstep gui backend
- gnustep-base-1.31.1 GNUstep base library
- gnustep-camerakit-20041011p13 GNUstep wrapper around libgphoto2
- gnustep-corebase-0.1.1p16 GNUstep reimplementation of Apple's CoreFoundation
- gnustep-dbuskit-0.1.1p15 GNUstep dbus interface
- gnustep-examples-1.4.0p12 GNUstep example applications
- gnustep-gemas-0.4p10 simple code editor for GNUstep
- gnustep-gui-0.32.0 GNUstep gui library
- gnustep-libobjc2-2.2.1 GNUstep libobjc2 objective-c runtime
- gnustep-make-2.9.3 GNUstep makefile package
- gnustep-matharray-1.3p12 GNUstep library to manipulate matrices
- gnustep-neos-theme-0.1p12 GNUstep theme following NeXT look and feel
- gnustep-netclasses-1.1.0p10v0 asynchronous networking framework for GNUstep
- gnustep-pcapkit-0.2p11 GNUstep wrapper around libpcap
- gnustep-performance-0.6.0p1 GNUstep performance library
- gnustep-renaissance-0.9.0p15 GNUstep layer to write portable GUIs
- gnustep-silver-theme-3.1p12 GNUstep theme with silvered controls
- gnustep-sqlclient-1.9.0p0 GNUstep database abstraction layer
- gnustep-sudoku-0.7p16 GNUstep sudoku generator
- gnustep-terminal-0.9.9p7 terminal emulator for GNUstep
- gnustep-webserver-1.6.0p0 GNUstep webserver framework
- gnustep-webservices-0.9.0p1 GNUstep webservices framework
- gomoku-1.2.9p15 extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep
- gorm-1_5_0 GNUstep graphical object relationship modeller
- graphos-0.7p5 vector drawing application
- grr-1.0p15 Guenthers RSS reader
- gshisen-1.3.0p16 little board game
- gspdf-0.5p14 PDF, PS and EPS viewer for GNUstep
- gworkspace-1.1.0 GNUstep workspace manager
- highlighterkit-0.1.3p11 framework for highlighting and coloring syntax
- imageviewer-0.6.3p17 GNUstep image viewer
- impersonatortoolkit-0.3p11 web cookies sniffer and providing proxy
- jigsaw-0.8p15 GNUstep jigsaw puzzle
- lapispuzzle-1.2p16 tetris like puzzle game
- laternamagica-0.5p5 view images and do slideshows
- mpdcon-1.5.1p11 GNUstep client for Music Player Daemon
- oolite-1.73.4p20 space combat and trading game in the style of Elite
- openvpn-auth-ldap-2.0.4p3 LDAP authentication plugin for OpenVPN 2.x
- paje-1.98p17 GNUstep based trace visualization tool
- pantomime-1.4.0p0 framework to major mail protocols
- pdfkit-1.2.0p1 framework for accessing and rendering PDF content
- price-1.3.0p10 precision raster image convolution engine
- projectcenter-0.7.0p0 GNUstep integrated development environment
- remotedesk-0.1p16 GNUstep rdesktop frontend
- rsskit-0.4p15 framework for reading different types of RSS formats
- simpleagenda-0.46p0 calendaring application based on GNUstep
- sogo-5.11.2 web based groupware server
- sope-5.11.2 Skyrix Object Publishing Environment
- sope-mysql-5.11.2 SOPE MySQL adaptor
- sope-postgres-5.11.2 SOPE PostgreSQL adaptor
- systempreferences-1.2.0p12 manage settings of the gnustep environment
- timemon-4.2p8 CPU load monitor
- zipper-1.5p13 tool for inspecting compressed archvies