Category chinese
- Wnn-data-4.2p0 common files to all languages of Wnn
- cconv-0.6.2p4 simplified-traditional chinese translate tool
- fcitx-5.1.11 flexible input method framework
- fcitx-chewing-5.1.6 chewing wrapper for fcitx5
- fcitx-chinese-addons-5.1.7 addons related to Chinese with IME bundled inside fcitx
- fcitx-table-extra-5.1.6p0 extra table for Fcitx5
- ibus-1.5.31p0 intelligent input bus framework
- ibus-gtk2-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK2
- ibus-gtk3-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK3
- ibus-gtk4-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK4
- scim-1.4.9p28 smart common input method platform
- scim-chewing-0.5.1p4 scim input method module for chewing
- scim-fcitx-3.1.1p9 scim input method module for fcitx
- scim-pinyin-0.5.91p16 scim input method module for pinyin
- scim-tables-0.5.8p16 input method data tables for scim
- taiwan-cns11643-fonts-103.1 CNS 11643-compliant Taiwanese government fonts
- uim-1.8.9 multilingual input method library
- uim-chewing-0.1.0p3 chewing input method for uim
- uim-gtk-1.8.9 uim for GTK+2
- uim-gtk3-1.8.9 uim for GTK+3
- zh-Wnn-4.2p11 Chinese input method
- zh-Wnndict-4.2p1 dictionaries for Chinese Wnn
- zh-c2t-1.0p3 translate GB/Big5 encoding to tone pinyin
- zh-cless-290p2 pager utility that speaks Chinese
- zh-fonts-arphicttf-2.11p4 chinese big5/gb truetype fonts
- zh-fonts-kc-1.05p2 extra chinese fonts
- zh-fonts-taipei-1.01p2 extra chinese fonts
- zh-hc-3.0p1 convert between GB and BIG-5 codes
- zh-iansui-1.000 Chinese truetype font derived from Klee One
- zh-libchewing-0.7.0 intelligent phonetic input method library
- zh-libpinyin-2.3.0p0 library to deal with pinyin
- zh-libtabe-0.2.6p8 library for Chinese language processing
- zh-lunar-2.1p1 convert solar calendar to lunar calendar
- zh-ttfm-0.9.5p4 big5/gb enhanced truetype font manager
- zh-wqy-bitmapfont- Wen Quan Yi bitmap song CJK fonts
- zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf-0.9.45 Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei outline font