Category books
- AsteriskGuide-2.0p0 Asterisk 1.4 PBX configuration guide, 2nd ed.
- AsteriskTFOT-2.0 Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
- JLS-12.0 Oracle's official Java language specification
- JVMS-2.0 Sun's official Java VM Specification, 2nd Ed.
- autobook-1.5v0 documentation for autoconf, automake, libtool
- clisp-hyperspec-7.0 Common Lisp reference
- cvs-guide-1.21p0 the definitive guide to CVS
- diveintopython-5.4p2 book about Python for experienced programmers
- diveintopython3-20130531 book about Python 3 for experienced programmers
- docbook-guide-2.0.8p0 the definite guide to DocBook
- gcide-0.53 gnu collaborative international dictionary of english
- grokking-the-gimp-1.0p1 book about gimp
- haskell-report-2010 language and library specification for Haskell
- icon-book-9.3 Icon programming language reference book
- icon-book-two_sided-9.3p0 Icon programming language reference book
- ietf-cli-1.29p0 command-line tools to work with RFCs and Internet Drafts
- implementation-of-icon-6 Icon language implemention reference book
- implementation-of-icon-two_sided-6 Icon language implemention reference book
- man-pages-posix-2017a POSIX manual pages
- mason-book-1.0p0 book on embedding Perl in HTML with Mason
- progit-2.1.267v0 book on version control with Git
- r5rs-19980421p0 revised^5 report on scheme
- svnbook-1.7p0 Version Control with Subversion
- sword-1.9.0p0 Crosswire's Bible study utility
- tex-by-topic-20230810v0 book on TeX typesetting system for experienced audience
- thinking-forth-1.0p0 philosophy of problem solving, applied to Forth
- utp-1.0 comprehensive book on unix text processing
- vol3ol-1.0 O'Reilly Volume 3: Users Guide, Open Look
- vol6a-2.0 O'Reilly Volume 6a: Motif Programming Manual
- wndw-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, English edition
- wndw-ar-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Arabic edition
- wndw-es-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Spanish edition
- wndw-fr-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, French edition
- wndw-id-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Indonesian ed.
- wndw-my-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Burmese ed.
- wndw-pt-1.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Portuguese ed.