
The textproc/py-demjson,python3 port

py3-demjson-3.0.6p0 – encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (cvsweb github mirror)


The demjson module, and the included jsonlint script, provide methods
for encoding and decoding JSON formatted data, as well as checking JSON
data for errors and/or portability issues. The jsonlint command/script
can be used from the command line without needing any programming.

Although the standard Python library now includes basic JSON support
(which it did not when demjson was first written), this module provides
a much more comprehensive implementation with many features not found
elsewhere. It is especially useful for error checking or for parsing
JavaScript data which may not strictly be valid JSON data.
WWW: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/demjson3


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devel lang/python textproc

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